Tracking disruption signals in the automotive industry
Monitoring evolutions in the global automotive industry THE AUTOMOTIVE DISRUPTION RADAR A constant screening of 25 indicators along five dimensions
→ Which factors are driving the change in the automotive
ecosystem? How do they evolve over time?
→ Which markets provide the best conditions for a smooth
transformation towards the new automotive world?
→ When do signals point to a more disruptive change?
Am 16. September findet der Fachkongress AUTOMATICAR zum 2. Mal änlässlich der ...
»weiterlesenAm 12. April fand das erste Mal die von der Mobilitätsakademie des TCS organisierte ...
»weiterlesenEPTA Conference 2017 „Shaping the Future of Mobility“ Luzern, Verkehrshaus, Mittwoch, 8. ...
»weiterlesenAm 22. September war live vor Ort, als die ersten beiden automatischen ...