Stagecoach gives trial to UK's first full-sized driverless bus

Single-decker will run autonomously only in depots until laws allow passengers

A full-sized driverless bus will be given a trial for the first time in the UK by one of Britain’s biggest transport operators later this year.

Stagecoach said the single-decker bus will run autonomously only in its depots until laws change to allow it to carry passengers.

Work is being carried out to adapt the bus with the same technology used on driverless pods recently used in a trial in Greenwich, south-east London.

The operator said the bus would be able to park in depots and drive itself to refuelling and wash points. No driver will be required when it is off public roads. Stagecoach said it believed wider use of self-driving buses could be safer, more efficient and save space within its depots.

Even on the road with a driver, the bus could be safer for other road users, with the sensor system able to give more warning of cyclists or pedestrians in blind spots or unexpected proximity.

31. Juli 2018

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