DMI Acquires Lochbridge and Enters the Connected Car and IoT Market

DMI, a mobility solutions provider, today announced the acquisition of Detroit-based Lochbridge, an Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider for the automotive, healthcare, financial services, and manufacturing industries.

"Lochbridge has focused on digital innovation and our ability to engineer a connected world. Through connectivity, extraction and analytics, we create a 'sixth sense' into businesses and products,” says Romil Bahl, president and CEO of Lochbridge. “This excites customers with new connected experiences and delivers new sources of revenue and cost savings. What excites me is that DMI and Lochbridge together represent the world's only mobility + IoT + digital services company, underpinned by best-in-class analytics."

Bahl adds that Lochbridge has enabled more than $1.5 billion in new annual revenues for its clients. Together, the companies will help organizations across industries rethink how they use mobility and digital solutions to better serve their end customers. 

15. Mai 2017

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