There has been an explosion in news about the future of transportation: • Ford announced plans for its own car-sharing service built around self-driving Fords • Elon Musk penned a second master plan envisioning a future car-sharing service built around self-driving Teslas • Nutonomy launched a trial in Singapore of its own ride-sharing service built around Renault and Mitsubishi vehicles modified to be self-driving • Uber announced its own self-driving trial in Pittsburgh in partnership with Volvo. Uber also acquired self-driving startup Otto, founded by former members of Google’s self-driving team • And, speaking of Google, Alphabet executive David Drummond stepped down from Uber’s board a day before the company announced an expansion of its Waze-based ride-sharing service from Israel to Uber’s home city of San Francisco These five bits of news are presented in roughly the order they matter; Uber and Google matter most of all.

03. November 2016

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