Self-driving cars exist today that are safer than human-driven cars in most driving conditions. Over the next 3–5 years they‘ll get even safer, and will begin to go mainstream. The World Health Organization estimates that 1.25 million people die from car-related injuries per year. Half of the deaths are pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists hit by cars. Cars are the leading cause of death for people ages 15–29 years old.
Am 16. September findet der Fachkongress AUTOMATICAR zum 2. Mal änlässlich der ...
»weiterlesenAm 12. April fand das erste Mal die von der Mobilitätsakademie des TCS organisierte ...
»weiterlesenEPTA Conference 2017 „Shaping the Future of Mobility“ Luzern, Verkehrshaus, Mittwoch, 8. ...
»weiterlesenAm 22. September war live vor Ort, als die ersten beiden automatischen ...